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4 Signs Your AC in Wilmer, AL Is Nearing a Breakdown

AC systems outside

It’s always inconvenient to have your AC break down, especially as the weather heats up in Wilmer, AL. If you can anticipate breakdowns and take preventive action, however, you’ll be in a much better position to keep your cooling system working right. Here are four important signs that your AC might be nearing a breakdown.

1. Lagging Performance

The most obvious indication that something isn’t right with your AC is poor performance. The system’s ability to generate cool air may decline either slowly or abruptly. Either way, this is a sign of some underlying problem with the system, whether that is due to poor airflow, a faulty compressor, bad coils, broken fan blades, malfunctioning motors, a lack of refrigerant or something else.

When your AC’s ability to generate cool air decreases, it will probably still be able to function for a while. However, if you ignore this problem, the system may react in a way that will place it under additional stress and contribute to a total breakdown, which brings us to our next sign.

2. Rising Energy Bills

When your AC’s effectiveness falls for any reason, your thermostat will register the fact that indoor temperatures are higher than they should be and may then force the system to work harder. As a result, your AC will devour more energy and push your energy bills progressively higher. It will also undergo additional stress at a time when it is particularly vulnerable.

The root cause of these rising energy bills is decreasing system efficiency. Efficiency drops because the system’s parts age, wear down and lose their efficacy. While your AC will, to some extent, be able to power through such difficulties, not providing it with the necessary repairs will only waste energy and hasten total system failure.

3. Bizarre Smells

Your AC should never emit any odors. Therefore, you can be confident that the sudden emergence of a strange odor indicates some kind of problem. The precise nature of the mishap, of course, will depend on what it is that you smell.

For example, a sweet smell reminiscent of ether, chloroform or antifreeze means that refrigerant is leaking from your system. Never take matters into your own hands and attempt to stop such leaks or replace lost refrigerant. Refrigerant is highly toxic, and only by requesting maintenance services from a trained HVAC technician can you ensure that you stay safe and your system returns to normal operation.

Sometimes, animals like squirrels or mice may crawl into your system and die there. In that case, you’ll notice an awful stench like that of garbage or rotting meat. A burning smell is especially ominous because its most likely explanation is a rogue spark from a frayed electrical wire, which can cause major issues for your home as a whole.

4. Loud Noises

Normally, your cooling system should produce a slight hum as it operates. If you have a standard central HVAC system and haven’t used your air conditioner for a while, you may temporarily hear clicking noises upon turning on the system. Every other noise coming from your AC signifies something bad.

Hissing and gurgling noises typically indicate the existence of a refrigerant leak. Banging and rattling sounds have a variety of explanations, including loose bolts or screws, debris trapped in your system’s compressor and dislodged or broken fan blades.

Whistling noises may point to some sort of air pressure issue inside your system, possibly resulting from clogged air filters keeping air from flowing out. A buzzing noise may mean that your system’s contactors or blower motor have malfunctioned.

AC breakdowns don’t need to imply catastrophe for anyone in Wilmer, AL. With the information we’ve given you, you’ll be ready to head off or at least minimize the risk of impending AC failure. If you notice any of the signs above, call Air Specialty right away and ask for our AC repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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