5 Ways to Improve AC Airflow for Better Efficiency

Improve AC Airflow

HVAC systems run at a consistent pace in order to work efficiently. The overall design of your HVAC system is so that it can circulate air at a rate that can cool your house and maintain that set temperature if everything is working correctly. This is particularly important in places like Chickasaw, Alabama, where the heat and humidity can rise quickly if your HVAC system isn’t operating efficiently. Here is a look at five ways to improve AC airflow for better efficiency.

Unblock AC Vents

Your AC system flows in a circular pattern. Your system draws air in through vents in the handler, pumps it through the air ducts, and sends it through the vents in each room. The air in the house begins to circulate due to the change in air pressure from the AC system to complete the circular pattern. If one part of that pattern gets slowed down or disrupted, the airflow through the whole system slows down.

If you want to keep air flowing, unblock the AC vents. Many vents have closing systems installed so that you can block the vents internally. Start by making sure that those vents are open. Also, move anything that can block the flow of air coming out of the vent away from the vent. Bookshelves, furniture, and ceiling appliances are common problems since sometimes people place them too close to the vents. Moving them away by even a few inches or out of the direct line of the airflow coming from the vents can make a huge difference.

Clean AC Vents

AC vents tend to accumulate dust and debris floating in your house. It doesn’t have to pass through the AC system to get stuck on the vents. A sideways gust can blow dirt onto the vents. As it builds up, this dirt can block the airflow coming out of the vents. Look inside the vents to make sure nothing is trapped on the inside. Large lint balls, bits of paper, and other light debris can blow into the vents and accumulate. You can fix this by wiping them down regularly as a part of your normal cleaning duties.

Check Your Filters

One of the most commonly overlooked problems in an AC unit is the filter. Check your filters regularly to ensure that they are clean. As they age, they start to clog with all of the dirt that they catch. Be sure to change it at least once every three months.

Also, make sure that you have the right type of filter, as they come with different ratings. While the higher-rated filters have a tighter weave and can catch more allergens, that tighter weave can also impede airflow. Look at getting a filter with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating of between 8 and 13 to filter out allergens without interfering with airflow.

Find and Fix Leaks

Air leaks also change the air pressure in your house and make it harder to move air efficiently. Any leak lets the air escape the system before it is supposed to, weakening the pressure inside the air vents, and causing the air to slow down. Most leaks are small and difficult to spot without special equipment that can monitor your systems natural airflow.

Many AC technicians keep this type of equipment with them so that they can check system performance on every job. While a single leak may not have a large effect on your AC system’s efficiency, several leaks can make a noticeable difference. Have your system checked regularly to ensure that it is properly sealed.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

If you want to ensure that your AC is running as efficiently as possible, schedule regular HVAC maintenance. Weakening airflow can be a sign of your AC system developing problems, even through regular use. A skilled technician can find problems before they become serious, as well as help you find additional ways to make your AC system run efficiently.

If you are proactive about fixing problems, then your system will keep its performance rating higher for longer. Call Air Specialty at 251-415-4559 for AC maintenance.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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