6 Signs Your HVAC System Isn’t Working It’s Best in Fairhope, AL

HVAC system

When your home’s heating and cooling system isn’t working as efficiently as it should be, several issues arise to let you know that something’s wrong. It may be a simple fix, or it may be time to invest in a new HVAC system. Keep reading to learn about six ways you will know your HVAC system isn’t working correctly in Fairhope, AL.

1. Issues With Thermostat

If you set your HVAC system’s thermostat at one temperature, and your home stays heated or cooled to another, thermostat sensors are often the culprit. Replacing the thermostat or their sensors is a relatively easy fix. This is also a good time to replace an outdated thermostat with modern smart models to improve your HVAC system’s performance and cut down on your energy bills.

2. Low Air Flow

If you notice that there isn’t as much air circulating throughout your home as there should be, the first and easiest thing to do is check your HVAC system’s air filter. The air filter’s job is to collect and trap dust and pollutants from the air before it’s dispersed into your home. Replacing the air filter when it becomes clogged with dirt allows purified air to move freely through the ducts and exit into the rooms.

3. No Cold Air

If your air conditioning unit isn’t producing cold air as it should be to keep your home at a consistently cool temperature, the problem may be that the level of refrigerant in the unit is too low. Your system may have a leak, meaning that it needs the attention of a professional HVAC technician who will determine whether the problem can be fixed or whether it’s time to replace your system. A modern, high-efficiency model allows you to enjoy a nice, cool home without the worry of malfunctions.

4. An Old, Overworked Motor

Depending on how old your HVAC system is, its motor’s life span may be nearing its end. This is particularly true if you have an older home with the original heating and cooling system still in place. After providing decades of effective service, your HVAC system is telling you it’s ready for retirement so that a newer, updated model can take over.

5. System Is the Wrong Size

Frequently, a home’s heating and cooling issues are the result of an HVAC unit that’s the wrong size for the house. If the unit is too small, it will cycle on and off repeatedly, becoming overworked as it tries to reach the temperature setting of the thermostat; if it’s too big, it will also cycle on and off nonstop because it reaches the temperature setting too quickly. In either case, this activity, called “short cycling,” causes unnecessary wear and tear on your HVAC system and uses excess energy, which increases your electric bills.

6. Evaporator Coils Need Attention

If your HVAC system’s air filter isn’t replaced on a regular basis (at least once every three months during seasons when the system is in use), then the dirt and debris pulled from the air and collected in the filter will build up on the evaporator coils that are in the blower. The buildup of pollutants on the coils prevents the system from working optimally. Corroded evaporator coils can also affect your HVAC system’s ability to function effectively by causing it to lose a significant portion of its charge.

Coil corrosion occurs as a result of moisture and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) combining and reacting with the copper that makes up the coils. These VOCs lurk in several household cleaning products, in aerosol products such as air fresheners and hairspray and in certain materials used for construction. While this is a common reason for coil corrosion, the usual culprit is simply the age of the system.

If your HVAC system isn’t performing to the best of its ability, our team of trained professionals is here to help. Contact Air Specialty for all of your HVAC maintenance needs. Your home is your castle, and we’re available 24 hours a day for your emergency needs.

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