How to Know When to Install a New Heat Pump

Heat pump installation

A quality AC or heat pump system can keep you comfortable for a long time, but nothing lasts forever. You’ll eventually have to decide when it’s time to replace your existing system with a new model. Opting for a new installation at the right time can save you a great deal of time, money and frustration. Of course, no Wilmer, Alabama homeowner wants to make that kind of investment until it’s really necessary. To help you make better, more informed decisions, here’s what you need to know about replacing your heat pump or AC equipment.

When to Choose AC or Heat Pump Repairs

If something has gone wrong with your current system, it’s quite possible a repair visit may be all that’s needed. Perhaps the most important factor in repairing any HVAC equipment is age. As a general rule, heat pumps and air conditioners can be expected to last between 10 and 15 years. Newer units are typically more reliable and less likely to require ongoing repairs. If your system is less than a decade old, a repair visit could potentially buy you several more years.

Another important consideration is the service history of your system. Repairs make the most sense for systems that are well-maintained and relatively problem-free. Similarly, you’ll get better results from investing in repairs if your system has previously been efficient and effective. The final determining factor is the cost of repairs. Many problems are surprisingly inexpensive to fix. Before making a decision, get an estimate so that you better understand what it’ll take to fix your equipment.

When to Choose AC or Heat Pump Installation

Installing a new heat pump or air conditioner is often best done as a preventive measure. The simple truth is that no HVAC equipment lasts forever, so it’s better to replace your unit before it completely fails. If your unit is more than 10 years old, repairs may ultimately be little more than a short-term fix. At that stage, the odds of a serious failure steadily increase with each additional year of service.

It’s also worth considering the long-term savings potential of a new installation. Upgrading an aging unit with a high-efficiency ENERGY STAR model could reduce your monthly heating and cooling costs by 20% or more. Combined with savings on maintenance and repairs, this may offset a considerable amount of the initial installation cost. Finally, it’s often better to install a new system if your current unit needs very costly repairs. As a rough guide, consider replacement whenever repairs would cost more than 40% of the price of a new installation.

Selecting the Right System

Opting for a new installation presents an exciting opportunity to decide what kind of system you’d like to use. If you already have a heat pump, it’s often recommended to simply replace it with a newer model. Heat pumps provide both heating and cooling, so replacing one with an air conditioner would require adding a heat source as well. Furnaces are often added as backup heating in colder climates, but that certainly isn’t necessary in South Alabama.

On the other hand, replacing an AC unit with a heat pump is an option worth considering. This is especially true if you have a separate heating system that may also need replacement in the near future. Making this switch is a complex decision, so consult with a professional to determine the best option for your home.

Despite the cost, a new AC or heat pump installation is often a wise financial decision. It’s a great opportunity to upgrade and a foolproof way to avoid expensive and disruptive breakdowns. To see if installing a new system is right for you, explore Air Specialty’s air conditioning installation services or call 251-415-4559 to speak with our expert staff.

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