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3 Benefits of Improving Indoor Air in Irvington, AL

enjoying quality indoor air

Many people don’t think about their indoor air quality (IAQ) daily. However, it can affect several areas of their lives, from how they sleep to how they feel throughout the day. If you’re thinking about taking steps to improve the indoor air quality at your Irvington, AL, home, the following are a few of the several benefits to inspire you to get started.

1. Improved Asthma Symptoms

Poor IAQ can trigger asthma symptoms, which can be particularly dangerous if you have severe asthma. Triggers can range from dust mites to chemical sprays.

Taking steps to improve the IAQ in your home could potentially keep your asthma symptoms at bay. It can also be beneficial for visitors who have asthma or other respiratory issues.

2. Less Cleaning

Part of the poor IAQ in your home may have to do with dust and pollen that floats through the air and lands on everything, from your hard surfaces to your couches and other upholstered surfaces. Getting control over these causes may decrease the amount of cleaning you have to do while helping you breathe easier.

A few of the causes could be pet dander, cigarette ash and pollen. Brushing your pet outdoors, not allowing smoking in the home and using an air purifier could significantly improve your IAQ.

3. Better Sleep

The better the IAQ in your home, the higher the chances of getting restorative sleep. Good IAQ allows you to breathe easier throughout the hours when your body gets to rest at night. Getting great sleep can then have perks ranging from improved mood to a boost in productivity.

It’s time to make your IAQ the best it’s ever been.

Contact Air Specialty today to learn more about our indoor air quality products and services. You can also visit our website for more information.

Image provided by iStock

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