Cooler temperatures are on the way for your Wilmer, AL, home as winter arrives. You may notice a weird smell when you turn on your heater to take the chill out of the air as the temperature dips. Here are some reasons why your furnace or heat pump may make you wrinkle up your nose.

A Smell Like Burning Dust

The first few times you turn the heat on after a summer rest will likely cause a weird smell. This is simply the dust and dirt that settled on the heating components over the past few months. The smell should go away naturally as the dust burns off.

A Musty Smell Like Old Socks

Although this smell is not dangerous, it can be annoying. Bacteria can build up on the coils.

Fortunately, with a furnace, the heat is so intense that the bacteria don’t get a chance to thrive. If you have a heat pump, however, you may want to have a professional look at the problem.

An Electrical Burning Odor

This is not a normal smell and could be a sign of danger, such as with a frayed wire or a motor that’s failing. Without attention, this smell can be a sign of trouble that can lead to a fire or a dead motor. You need to call in a professional to find the source of the smell and repair it.

Preventing Problems

The easiest way to avoid these weird smells is to have regular maintenance performed on your heating system. Technicians will look for problems that could be a sign of trouble and offer solutions.

Contact Air Specialty when you need maintenance or service for your heating system. Our friendly professionals will fix the problems causing weird smells or any other issues in your home.

Image provided by iStock

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