3 Signs of an Inefficient Furnace

Inefficient Furnace

To remain comfortable and warm during winter in your home in Wilmer, Alabama, you need a furnace that can perform efficiently throughout the cold season. However, while a furnace usually has a lifespan of up to 15 to 18 years, system issues can arise and prevent it from providing adequate heat. Here are three signs that you will encounter if you have an inefficient furnace:

It Takes Longer to Heat a Room

If you’ve had the heating system on for a while and your home’s interior still hasn’t warmed up, it is an indication that the heating system isn’t working as it should. You will need to contact a repair technician and have them check your HVAC system. Whether the issue is due to clogged air vents or dirty air filters, they will be able to resolve it and get your furnace working to its full potential once again.

It Blasts Out Cold Air

Have you turned on the furnace and got a blast of cold air instead of warm? It is a surefire sign that the air filters are clogged with dirt and are blocking proper airflow over the heat exchanger of the furnace. Due to this, the heat exchanger gets overheated and causes the limit switch to malfunction. The furnace burners will then shut off. To get them working again, call an HVAC technician to change the filter and reset the furnace. It may also be an indication of a larger problem.  Regular maintenance can often reduce or eliminate furnace repairs.

It is Expensive to Operate

Are your utility bills higher than what you usually get? It may be due to an inefficient heating system. To emit sufficient heat, the heating system has to work twice as hard and use more fuel. So, you end up paying more, without getting your money’s worth in return. The reasons may be a clogged air filter, dirty burners, air duct leaks, or even an aged system. Ask an HVAC technician to diagnose the system for a repair or assess the system if it’s approaching the end of its useful lifespan and would recommend a new furnace.

Ideally, you should schedule heating system maintenance work once or twice a year. Contact Air Specialty, and we will send one of our experienced, certified HVAC technicians to look over your furnace.

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