3 Signs You Need a New Thermostat This Spring in Semmes, AL

new thermostat

If you’ve been relying on your HVAC system to keep you warm during winter, then you need to make sure all its components are healthy enough to take you through spring. One of the most important HVAC parts you need to check and and perhaps replace is the thermostat. If you’re not sure whether you need a new thermostat in Semmes, AL, here’re the signs you need to look out for.

1. Incorrect Reading on Thermostat

If your thermostat consistently displays incorrect temperature readings, then you may need to replace it. Sensors tend to malfunction due to old age or manufacturing defects.

As a result, incorrect readings may make it difficult to control the HVAC system. If you’ve noticed incorrect readings, then it’s probably time for a thermostat replacement.

2. Your HVAC System Is Turning On or Off Unexpectedly

The main function of the thermostat is to send electric signals to your HVAC to regulate its function. If it malfunctions, then your HVAC may stop working properly because it’s not receiving clear prompts.

There are many factors that may lead to this problem, and one of the most common ones is faulty wiring. Although a professional can repair the device, they may also recommend a replacement depending on the underlying problem.

3. High Energy Bills

If your HVAC system is leading to abnormally high energy bills, your thermostat could be the culprit. The device may be reading the temperature incorrectly and signaling the HVAC to work more than it should.

If your HVAC system cycles more frequently that needed, it will consume more energy than it should, leading to higher energy bills. If you received a heating or cooling system repair service recently and your energy bills are still high, you may need a new thermostat.

If you are ready to replace your thermostat, leave the job to the professionals. Contact Air Specialty today to install a new one and make any other heating and AC installation and repairs as necessary.

Image provided by iStock

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