4 Summer Maintenance Tasks to Keep Energy Costs Low

saving energy costs

Originally published in August, 2015, updated May, 2020.

Semmes, Alabama summers can really put your air conditioner to work fighting high temperatures and humidity. If you are engaged in a battle between high energy bills and home cooling, there are maintenance tasks you can undertake that can help to lower your expenses while maintaining your home’s comfort.

Change Your Filter

Changing the filter in your air conditioner can lower your energy costs by as much as 15 percent. You should change or clean your filter every one to three months for the best results. If you own pets, check and possibly change it every month. How often you change your filter will depend on the kind you use. If you are not familiar with how to do this, ask your HVAC professional to show you how it’s done during the next maintenance visit.

Landscaping Around the Unit

Take extra care with the area around the outdoor unit. Bushes, leaves, and plants should be at least two feet away on all sides. Make sure to keep grass carefully trimmed in this area as well. If the landscaping around your unit is cluttered, it will have difficulty pulling in air and operating efficiently.

Setting Your Thermostat

Pay attention to your thermostat settings to ensure you are setting temperatures practically, and for efficiency according to the season. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends a setting of 78 degrees in summer when you need cooling. Turn the thermostat up during periods when you are away from home or when you are generally inactive, such as overnight.

Consider installing a smart thermostat to save even more. You can easily program a smart thermostat to your weekday and weekend schedule. If your schedule changes, you can change the thermostat setting using a smart phone or tablet from anywhere.

Change the Direction of Ceiling Fans

Your ceiling fan can both heat and cool your home, but it needs to be rotating in the right direction. Make sure your ceiling fan is rotating counterclockwise in summer to produce a cooling wind chill effect. Aim to change the direction as part of your spring cleaning routine before the summer heat really kicks in.

To learn more about how you can lower your energy costs, or to explore the options for upgrading to a more efficient unit, contact us at Air Specialty. Our technicians are fully trained and experienced to provide you with the right services for your home or business.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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