4 Ways to Fight Winter Allergies

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Your Spanish Fort, Alabama, home is where you go to feel better, but if you aren’t careful, your home may be aiding and abetting your winter allergies. You may not realize it, but your house could be adding extra irritation to your respiratory system. Here are several ways that you can fight your winter allergies and help you to feel better.

Change Your Filters

Your filters help to keep your furnace circulating clean air. Your filter not only helps to keep the inner workings of your furnace clear of debris in the air, but it also helps improve your air quality. Changing your filter assists your HVAC system in running efficiently and keeping it healthy in the same manner it helps you and your family’s health.

Clean Your Ducts

The ducts in your home can be dirtied by the different allergens that commonly cause winter allergies. As pollen isn’t an issue in the winter months, winter allergies are often caused by indoor allergens such as dander, biological growth, dust mites, and even pest droppings. Every time your HVAC system kicks on, any allergens in the vents are circulated in your home.

Vacuum Your Carpets Often to Avoid Winter Allergies

The carpets in your home can also harbor winter allergens. Vacuuming your carpets can help to remove them. It can be helpful to have a vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove as many of the allergens as possible from the carpet and keep them inside of the vacuum.

Step Up Your Laundry Schedule

You probably wash your pillows, sofa covers, and similar items at regular intervals to keep them clean, but during the winter months, you should wash them more often. These soft surfaces can harbor allergens. Cleaning them more often can help to keep these allergens to a minimum.

Implementing these methods to fight your winter allergies can help you and your family stay healthy. Need help? Contact us at Air Specialty Heating & Air Conditioning by calling 251-415-4559. Our experienced professionals can help you to improve your indoor air quality.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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