5 Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality in Semmes, AL

helping indoor air quality

Indoor air quality refers to the air quality within buildings and structures, especially concerning the health and comfort of the occupants. Poor air quality can lead to various health problems, including respiratory illnesses, allergies and fatigue. Here are five common symptoms of poor air quality that you should be aware of in Semmes, AL.

1. Allergies and Respiratory Problems

Allergies and respiratory issues are two of the most prevalent signs of poor indoor air quality. Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat can result from poor IAQ, as can coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath. Poor IAQ can exacerbate symptoms and possibly set off attacks in people with allergies or asthma.

2. Headaches and Fatigue

Headaches and weariness may result from exposure to pollutants, including carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds. Schedule regular maintenance for your AC because dirty filters can also cause poor IAQ.

3. Odors and Unpleasant Smells

Cooking, cleaning supplies and cigarette smoke are a few of the things that can cause these odors. These unpleasant smells might be a sign of dangerous pollution in addition to being unpleasant.

4. Skin Irritation and Dryness

With chemical contaminants, poor air quality can irritate sensitive skin. Many household cleaning goods, personal care items and construction materials include chemicals that might irritate the skin. Other chemicals used in construction and furnishing, like formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds, can also irritate the skin.

5. Poor Concentration and Productivity

Poor indoor air quality can affect cognitive function, leading to poor concentration and productivity. Exposure to carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter can all impact cognitive function.

If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, it may be a sign that your building has poor IAQ. To improve indoor air quality, contact Air Specialty today to schedule your appointment.

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