Appliances Continue to Use Standby Power If Not Unplugged

standby power

Even the most energy-savvy homeowner could be overlooking one very simple task that is impacting their energy bill. Many of your household appliances continue to drain a steady stream of energy even when they turned off. If you are looking for ways to create a more energy-efficient home in Semmes, Alabama, you need to understand standby power and what you can do to truly increase energy efficiency in your home.

Minimize Energy Drain

The most efficient way to stop appliances from using standby power is to unplug them completely, where possible. This might not be practical for your washer, dryer, microwave, and dishwasher, as the outlets are not usually easily accessible. However, for other electronic items, you should always unplug them if they will not be in use for a while. Items such as computers, printers, and gaming and entertainments will use a lot of standby energy. If you find it inconvenient to regularly unplug multiple items, using one or more power strips can make a difference on your energy bill.

Power strips with on/off switches allow you to cut the power to several devices at once without having to unplug each. Simply turn the strip off, and power no longer flows to the devices. Power strips effectively reduce energy waste and help you to save.

Upgrade for Efficiency

A smart solution for items that you cannot unplug is to upgrade to energy-efficient models. Energy Star-certified refrigerators, HVAC systems, and other appliances, will use less electricity at all times. So even if you are unable to unplug them, you can still realize savings overall. Energy Star-certified appliances are given that label because they are more energy efficient and help to reduce energy waste. So when next you are looking for appliances for your home, look for those with the Energy Star rating.

For more ways you can increase energy efficiency in your home, contact Air Specialty at (251) 415-4559. The Air Specialty team provides preventive maintenance and other services that will improve the energy efficiency of your HVAC system. We can also recommend more energy-efficient upgrades so your entire home can be more energy efficient.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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