Do Your Evaporator Coils Need a Protective Coating?

Evaporator Coils

The weather in Chickasaw, Alabama, can be hard on evaporator coils. A protective barrier can extend the life of your unit and help to maintain air conditioning efficiency. Consider the advantages and choose a protective coating for your HVAC evaporator coils.

Extend System Lifespan

Wind, rain, and corrosive salt air will damage an outdoor HVAC unit, including its evaporator coils. Since your HVAC system is such an important part of your home, it’s worthwhile for you to maintain all its parts.

As unprotected evaporator coils deteriorate, they shorten the life of your unit, leading to costly HVAC unit replacement. Coating the coils prevents harsh weather from damaging them and also protects your HVAC investment.

Maintain HVAC Efficiency

The more you can protect your evaporator coils from corrosion and grime, the more efficiently your HVAC unit works. High-quality coatings protect the coils from gathering airborne particles, which can build up on unprotected coils, resulting in blocked airflow and reduced efficiency. Coated coils resist this buildup and keep your unit running at peak efficiency. You will save energy and, therefore, lower your energy bills.

Try UV Protection

Using a UV-inhibiting coating on your evaporator coils protects them from the powerful Alabama sun. The sun’s UV rays can degrade the coils over time. If you neglect your HVAC unit, you will likely need to replace your evaporator coils or even the entire unit because of sun damage. To avoid this, treat your evaporator coils to a UV-protective coating. At Air Specialty, our technicians are factory-trained to apply UV-inhibiting Bronz-Glow coating.

Peace of Mind

Because you depend on your HVAC unit to keep your family comfortable, any down time can be stressful. By offering an extra layer of protection against corrosive elements, protective evaporator coil coatings will contribute to your comfort and peace of mind.

At Air Specialty, our expert technicians are proud to serve the Chickasaw, Alabama, area. Call us today at (251) 415-4559 to discuss protecting your outdoor HVAC equipment with a quality coating application.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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