Springtime in the South – Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced


Air Conditioner ServicedIt’s springtime in Mississippi and Alabama, and it’s time to have your air conditioner serviced. This is something that should be done well before the warmer months to ensure that your cooling system will be running efficiently when you need it most. Here are a few tasks you can perform yourself, and some information on what a professional will handle during your service call.

Homeowner Air Conditioner Maintenance

The first step to preparing your cooling system for warmer weather is to thoroughly clean the coils. Coils are found on the outside portion of your air conditioner, but must be cleaned with great care. Because they are prone to breakage and clogging, it’s best to clear them out with something gentle, like a nylon brush or even a broom. You can use a garden hose, but be sure that you use it gently if you do.

Another task you can easily handle is air filter replacement. Easily the most important step in air conditioner maintenance, a dirty filter replacement can provide you with a big jump in efficiency. It can also help to ensure that allergens, dust and debris don’t enter your home with the air from the conditioner. On most models, filter replacement is easy. You will typically find replacement instructions in your service manual, but if you aren’t sure how to change it out, you should contact an HVAC specialist.

Professional Air Conditioner Maintenance

Here are just a few of the tasks your HVAC technician will perform during an A/C service checkup:

  • Check system controls and thermostat calibration
  • Tighten electrical connections and lubricate moving parts
  • Inspect condensate drain for clogs or leaks
  • Clean evaporator and condenser coils
  • Clean and adjust the blower motor as necessary
  • Check refrigerant levels

Schedule a Maintenance Call

Not everyone is knowledgeable in HVAC systems, and that’s fine. This is where a friendly air conditioning repair and service specialist can assist you. For more on air conditioning maintenance, or to schedule a maintenance call, contact Air Specialty today.

Image Provided by Shutterstock.com

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