How High Humidity Can Make Your Family Sick


Whether you’re a longtime Lucedale, Mississippi, resident, or you recently moved to the area, you know that humidity can be a major concern for homeowners. While you can’t control the moisture outdoors, you can certainly take steps to limit the humidity in your home. Learn how high humidity can make your family sick, causing problems from mold to arthritis flare-ups.

You’ll Have Trouble Cooling Down

At Air Specialty, we know you want to keep the whole family cool all summer long. When the humidity level is over 50 percent, however, your little ones could have trouble cooling down after playing outside, which can lead to major discomfort. If you’re dealing with uncomfortable humidity levels, try getting the family to take short showers and baths in the early morning or late evening.

You Could Suffer From Arthritis Flare-Ups

High humidity doesn’t just affect the kids. Excess moisture can also contribute to painful arthritis flare-ups, which make it difficult to do just about anything around the house. If you feel your joints flaring up regularly, check to make sure your dryer, kitchen, and bathroom vents push wet, stale air outdoors. The last thing you want is for exhaust to build up inside.

You Could Develop a Dust Mite Problem

If your family deals with allergies or asthma, you know how irritating dust can be. But did you know that dust mites thrive in humid environments? Our team recommends installing a Performance Whole-Home Dehumidifier DEHXX to make whole-home dehumidification seamless, while getting dust mites under control.

Your Home Could Welcome Mold

Mold and mildew love wet environments, and a humid home can create the perfect setting for this fungus. Mold growth in your home can lead to serious health concerns, especially if your family members are allergic to this substance. To keep mold at bay, change your HVAC air filters regularly to keep your air supply fresh and your HVAC system running smoothly.

Could you use some help improving indoor air quality in your home? Call the Air Specialty team at (251) 415-4559 to learn more about our healthy IAQ solutions.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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