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Is It Time for a New Heating System in Chickasaw, AL?

Warm heating system At Home

There will come a time when your heating system in Chickasaw, AL, falls in its performance. This could be the result of anything, from age to a severe malfunction, and may be a sign you need to consider a replacement. Here are some warnings that indicate it may be time for a new heating system this winter.

Short Cycles

If your heating system is turning on and off in short spurts, that’s called short cycling. This can be the result of the exchanger overheating, which can shut your system off. Short cycling minimizes system efficiency, leading to unwanted repair and even early replacement.

The Unit Is Extra Noisy

Some systems purr and others may hum, but if they get noisy, it may be time for a new system. Rattling implies unsecured ductwork. Screeching or squealing signals the inducer or blower motor is in trouble.

Constant Adjustment of Thermostat

If rooms aren’t comfortable no matter how you set the thermostat, the root problem could be in the system. A malfunctioning system may not distribute air evenly. If room temperatures differ, have a technician take a look to diagnose any issues or determine if you need a new heating system.

Your Heating System Is Old

Next to newer models, older heating systems struggle to produce heat and aren’t as efficient. They require more maintenance and repair. The installation of a new unit can alleviate a lot of this.

We advise you to shop around when your heating system hits a 15-year anniversary. Older appliances simply cannot produce heat compared to the eco-friendly models manufactured today. A replacement will be a long-term money saver and home comfort maximizer.

Deciding whether or not your system needs replacement requires smart planning. Our technicians provide the best heating services to fit any environment at the most affordable prices. If you think it’s time to install a new heating system in your Chickasaw, AL, home, contact Air Specialty and make an appointment today for a consultation.

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