Why Use a NATE Certified HVAC Technician?

Air Specialty NATE certified technicians

Air Specialty NATE certified techniciansSometimes the only thing you may know about a heating or cooling system problem is that it’s not working like it should. To complicate a distressing situation, you may not know the best way to go about choosing the right technician for the task. Put your worries aside a moment and consider the benefits of using a NATE certified technician.

NATE Stands for Excellence

North American Technician Excellence (NATE) is a non-profit organization that was established in 1997. One of its primary purposes is to provide a universal standard for HVAC expertise and excellence for technicians to aspire. In order to become NATE certified, a technician or contractor must pass rigorous tests for general HVAC skills and specialized skills in one or more HVAC fields.

NATE Certified Technicians

Obtaining NATE certification is no cakewalk. NATE has the highest fail rate among certifying bodies in the industry. Rest assured when you see the NATE logo on your technicians uniform, he or she is qualified for the job. Following are benefits of using a NATE certified technician:

  • Service: NATE certified technicians are career-minded true professionals. When you hire an HVAC contractor that employs NATE certified technicians, you and your home will be treated with respect on every level. Technicians with NATE certification soundly top other technicians across the board in customer satisfaction surveys for HVAC maintenance, repairs and installation.
  • Repair & Installation: When you are having trouble with your heating or cooling system, you will receive accurate assessments and quotes for repairs. Sometimes it is difficult to decide between an expensive repair or replacing an HVAC system with a newer, more efficient model. NATE certified technicians provide the information, cost analysis and facts you need to make the right decisions for your family.
  • Quality: NATE certified technicians must re-test every five years, and prove at least 60 hours of continued training and education. Quality assurance and high standards are the principles which NATE was established, and drive technician excellence today.

To experience the benefits of using a NATE certified technician firsthand for your Mobile area home, please contact us at Air Specialty today.

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