Reduce Your Commercial HVAC Costs With These 5 Tips

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As a business owner in Saraland, Alabama, your monthly utility bill regularly reminds you of your HVAC system’s efficiency. Monthly energy costs are one of the biggest business expenses, so it’s in your best interest to reduce them. Use these five tips to cut your commercial HVAC costs.

Schedule Routine Maintenance

The best time to find a problem with your HVAC equipment is while it’s still working. Regular maintenance — including changing the air filters — keeps your system running smoothly, identifies potential issues, and prevents future costly repairs. Spring and fall are good times for a tuneup when you use your unit the least. With regular maintenance, you can be sure that your business’s HVAC system will run smoothly and efficiently.

Replace Old Equipment

Over the past decade, commercial HVAC equipment has dramatically improved. If your system is older than 10 to 15 years, consider an upgrade. Look for a unit with an ENERGY STAR logo or with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. While this may seem to be a high initial investment, the upgrade will quickly pay for itself.

Control the Thermostat

Employees find it hard to agree on a good temperature, so it’s up to you to set it for maximum savings. For maximum efficiency in summer, set the thermostat to 78 degrees, and in winter set it to 68 degrees.

Program According to Zones

Not every room or office space in your building has the same heating and cooling requirements. Consider installing smart thermostats with the ability to control specific zones in your building. This will save you both energy and money as the property manager.

Consider Ventilation

Consider getting a special ventilation system, like an energy recovery ventilator (ERV). These systems push stale air outside and then pretreat outside air to freshen up your space. Using preconditioned air reduces the load on your HVAC unit.

To discuss your commercial HVAC needs and find additional ways to reduce your costs, contact Air Specialty at 251-415-4559 and speak to a member of our team.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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