Run Your Central Air Conditioner Less with Ductless Air Conditioning

AirSpecialty Blog

Empty nesters and singles listen up!

Has your house outgrown you? Whether your youngest child is now at college or you don’t inhabit certain rooms in your house as much as others, you could be overusing your central air conditioner. You could be a prime candidate for the benefits of ductless air conditioning. Installing a ductless air conditioner can complement your central air conditioner. It prevents the struggle to find the balance between the rooms you don’t need to be cooled and those you do. Don’t sweat it out with a central air conditioner set at high temps; install a ductless unit in your one to three most-used rooms and stay comfortable and efficient this summer. It’s a homeowner myth closing doors and vents to unused rooms helps. Here’s why…

Lower Your Energy Bills with These Tips:

  • Ductless air conditioners are more energy efficient. Your home’s central air conditioner will have a little help from an energy efficient ductless air conditioner, which could actually reduce your monthly energy bills. Ductless systems are highly efficient and may use 25 to 50 percent less energy than other options.
  • Ductless air conditioners can make you more comfortable. If you have a room of your home hard to keep cool in summer and warm in winter try ductless air conditioning. These systems can be the perfect extension to your central air conditioner. It allows you to offer temperature control where ducts can’t reach.
  • Ductless air conditioners require minimum maintenance. Ductless air conditioners offer a basic maintenance option, with great results. Ask your professional HVAC installation team what maintenance your unique system requires.
  • Ductless air conditioners can last a long time. With routine maintenance, your ductless air conditioner can last an estimated 20 years.
  • Ductless air conditioners are easy to install and unobtrusive. There are many configurations available to fit your unique space. Generally, ductless air conditioners are easy to install, don’t take up much room and are less intrusive than a wall unit.
  • Ductless air conditioners can improve your indoor air quality. Central air conditioners force air through ducts (even when routinely cleaned) and will inevitably introduce dust and other contaminants into your air supply. Your ductless system has an advanced filtration system to prevent dust, pet dander and other allergy triggers from entering your home’s air flow.

Reduce Stress on your Central Air Conditioner

Whether you’ve just added an extension on to your home, just shipped your kids off to college or are a single in a big home, ductless air conditioning systems can take the load off of your central air conditioner. It’s the win-win: you stay cool and comfortable, your energy bills stay optimal and your maintenance requirements stay low! Air Specialty specializes in helping homeowners address issues impacting their central air conditioner performance. We help homeowners at all stages of life maintain a healthy HVAC system. We’re here to keep them cool, run efficiently and protect the indoor air quality of their homes. Contact one of Air Specialty’s team of NATE-certified technicians to assist you with ductless air conditioning today.

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