Thermostat Settings for Saving Money This Summer

Thermostat savings

A thermostat controls the temperature in your Chickasaw, AL home in a tactical way while your air conditioning system runs, so you can use it to your advantage to save money. If you set your thermostat to a proper temperature, the AC system will provide cool, refreshing air without spiking your monthly energy costs. In this guide, you’ll discover ideal temperature settings for a thermostat and alternate money-saving strategies for cooling in the summer.

Everyday Thermostat Strategies

When a group of people are in your home, set the thermostat to 78 degrees. This temperature will be comfortable for most individuals. If some guests prefer cooler air, incorporate ceiling fans in key spaces. As the fan’s blades spin, they will make the AC system’s currents feel cooler. But remember, fans cool people, not air, so be sure to turn the fan off when leaving the room.

Thermostat Tactics for an Empty Home

In an empty home, the air doesn’t have to be extremely cool because no one will benefit from it. Instead of wasting energy, raise the temperature to 85 degrees. This is a tactical move because this temperature setting will reduce the time it will take for your air conditioning system to lower the temperature to 78 degrees after everyone returns home.

The Best Thermostat Setting for Sleeping

While you’re sleeping, use a smart thermostat to control the temperature before and after you fall asleep. To get the best results, time your sleep patterns each night. Then, set it to adjust from 78 degrees to 82 degrees shortly after you fall asleep.

Other Strategies

On pleasant summer days, take advantage of the weather. If there are cool breezes outside, open your windows and let the cool, fresh air circulate throughout your home.

At Air Specialty, we provide many services for air conditioning systems. If you need a smart thermostat or other device installed to manage your energy costs, contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our technicians.

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