Top 3 HVAC System Zoning Questions Customers Ask

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Do you know how HVAC system zoning can help you be more comfortable in your home? Zoning may sound like a foreign term, but don’t worry, we’ll get you up to speed! As we do, keep in mind we love helping homeowners optimize an HVAC system. It’s been a favorite of ours for the more than 25 years we’ve been in business. Using “zones” to do so is one of our specialties at Air Specialty in Mobile. We’ll guide you every step of the way. In the meantime, check out answers to some of the most commonly asked HVAC system zoning questions.

What is HVAC System Zoning?

The term “HVAC zoning system” may also be referred to as “zoned HVAC.” It refers to a heating and cooling system which redirects air to create uniform levels of air flow into all areas of the home. A zoned HVAC system relies on valves or dampers in the ductwork to take charge of the flow of the air. This valve or damper controls the flow of air inside a duct to reduce air to an unused room. This process regulates air flow for room-by-room temperature and climate control.

Why is HVAC System Zoning So Important?

The correct zoning of your HVAC system matters for a variety of reasons. First, it’s important to be comfortable in your home. You shouldn’t be cold in one room and hot in another. Secondly, zones allow you to regulate the temperatures in your home. This creates greater efficiency and saves you money on your utility bills. Lastly, HVAC system zone controls reduce the wear and tear on your equipment. When your HVAC system overworks to keep your home cool or warm, it can cause your equipment to malfunction or reduce its overall life.

How Does HVAC System Zoning Work?

A zoned HVAC system often include a variety of zone dampers and even smart thermostats in each zone to tap into the latest technological advances. When temperatures fluctuate too much in certain areas, a pre-programmed thermostat communicates opens the damper to let more air through to a specific area of your home. When the room or space reaches the temperature programmed into your thermostat, it cuts off the airflow via the damper. Nearly all households and all types of HVAC system work better when zoned. Think about it. It’s likely every home you’ve ever lived in has had a space chronically cold or uncomfortably hot. When you add zoning to your HVAC system it allows you to keep your entire family comfortable. Plus, it saves money and increases the lifespan of your heating and cooling equipment.

HVAC System Zone Specialists – Air Specialty in Mobile, Alabama

When it’s time to assess your HVAC system and where zones make sense for your home, be sure to contact Air Specialty – the leading HVAC service provider in Mobile for over 25 years. We are experts in heating and cooling with zoning. Our NATE-certified team is up-to-date on the latest HVAC techniques. They also take good old-fashioned customer service seriously! We proudly serve Mobile and the surrounding communities with the very best HVAC system services. Contact Air Specialty to schedule an appointment today.

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