What Should You Tackle Before Upgrading a Heating System?

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upgrading a heating systemWhen you’re upgrading your home heating system, you certainly want a reliable unit that will heat your living spaces comfortably without bankrupting your energy budget. However, even a superior high-efficiency heating system cannot accomplish these goals alone. Keep reading to learn how to make wise investment decisions before upgrading a heating system.

Home Energy Audit

Before upgrading a heating system, take a look at the energy efficiency of your home. Your new heating system will have a difficult time keeping you comfortable if insulation is sub-par and air leaks allow heating dollars to escape.

A home energy audit is a process that identifies where your home uses energy and evaluates how and where energy can be saved. This includes sealing air leaks in the home shell and taking a good look in the attic and walls to ensure your home is properly wrapped up with enough insulation. Moreover, home efficiency upgrades may lower the size of heating system needed.

Qualify Your HVAC Professional

There are many decisions to make when installing a new HVAC system. Choosing the right HVAC professional to work with is at the top of the list. You rely on the knowledge and integrity of an HVAC professional to make important investment decisions regarding system sizing and selection, choosing add-on equipment, installation and ongoing service. Your HVAC professional should employ credentialed technicians and carry applicable licenses, bonding and insurance for your protection.

HVAC Sizing

Why pay more money for an oversized heating system? Unfortunately, many homeowners do just that. Some HVAC contractors install larger systems than necessary for good measure, while others don’t possess the skills or take the time to perform an accurate load calculation of the home.

Make sure your HVAC contractor performs a load calculation of the home to exact specifications using industry-standard Manual J, and sizes the new heating system using Manual S.

Make good decisions before upgrading a heating system in your Mobile home and enjoy the benefits year after year. For HVAC expertise and service you can trust, contact Air Specialty.

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