Where Is the Best Spot for a Thermostat in Prichard, AL?


Many minor details can impact comfort and efficiency when designing HVAC systems. The positioning of the thermostat in your Prichard, AL home is one of those crucial elements since it can get the most accurate temperature reading there. Otherwise, it may cause your HVAC system to run inefficiently or poorly; so, where should you put a thermostat?

At the Center of Your House

A thermostat monitors your home’s average temperature. Because it measures the centrally flowing air, the center of your home will provide the most accurate average value.

On an Interior Wall

You will get a more accurate reading by installing your thermostat on an interior wall. Here it can give a better indication of your home’s average temperature. Because external walls are often significantly cooler, the thermostat will signal the HVAC unit to run on when it may not be necessary.

In a Commonly Used Room

Everyone wants the spaces they use the most to be as cozy as possible. To maintain the ideal temperature throughout the year, it’s a good idea to set up the thermostat in a room that’s regularly occupied, such as the living room.

Five Feet From the Floor

Putting your thermostat too high on the wall may lead to an inaccurate reading due to temperature variations. Heat fluctuations, particularly temperature spikes, can produce misleading readings. It’s best to place it roughly five feet from the floor for an accurate reading.

We offer the knowledge and product selection to assist you in setting up the most efficient heating systems in your house or place of business. By following the preceding thermostat positioning recommendations, you can guarantee optimal heating and cooling and maximize your energy savings. And if you’re still having trouble deciding where to place the thermostat, contact Air Specialty and speak to one of our qualified HVAC specialists for assistance.

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