Why Your Heat Pump Trips the Breaker in St. Elmo, AL

Heat Pump System

Your St. Elmo, AL heat pump requires a lot of electricity to heat and cool your home. A system that constantly trips the breaker is not only inconvenient but also unsafe. Here are four possible reasons for your heat pump constantly tripping its breaker.

Wiring Problems

Wiring issues are often the cause of circuit breaker disruptions. The common causes of short circuits in heating systems are faulty installations or loose wires due to expansions and contractions brought on by the weather. In cases when the heat pump seems to be in good condition but keeps on tripping the circuit breaker, it is advisable to seek the help of a heating repair services provider to diagnose and solve any underlying wiring issues.

Clogged Air Filter

When the air filter in your heat pump is full of debris, its efficiency is significantly reduced. This not only compromises the quality of air within the house but also forces the HVAC system to operate longer, which can trip the circuit breaker. Maintaining a strict three-monthly filter replacement schedule and making sure vents are free of debris is essential to reducing these disruptions.

Outdoor Fan Issues

An essential part of your heat pump’s operation is the outdoor fan. Breakers might trip because of increased electrical consumption brought on by obstructions or failures in the fan motor. It is essential to schedule routine expert maintenance to guarantee the outdoor unit runs well and avoid any potential interruptions.

Condenser Coil Is Dirty

The effectiveness of your heat pump is dependent on the condenser coil operating efficiently. Dirty condenser coils make the heat pump operate at a higher electrical capacity, often resulting in a tripped circuit breaker.

If your heat pump causes the breaker to trip, it’s important to let a professional technician diagnose and repair the issue. Whether your system requires repair or you need to schedule heating installation, we’re here for you. Contact Air Specialty today to find out more about our expansive HVAC services.

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