Allergy Management Starts at Home – Boost Your Indoor Air Quality

allergy management

Suffering from indoor allergies can be a year-round problem in this region because the five most common allergy triggers can survive all year in this climate. Fortunately, many can be controlled through mechanical means to alleviate the allergic response, lessening the symptoms of those reactions.

Common Allergens

  1. Dust mites are one of the most common allergy triggers indoors. Dust mites eat dead skin cells and reach high populations indoors, especially in bedrooms and closets.
  2. Mold can trigger allergies and asthma, and it thrives in warm, moist environments. Besides being a common allergen, some forms can cause serious diseases or reactions.
  3. Pet dander is nothing more than the shed skin cells from dogs, cats and other pets.
  4. Pest Feces is not only an allergen, but insects themselves can spread diseases like staph and salmonella. Since this region has mild winters, roach populations are active year-round.
  5. Pollen from inconspicuous flowers can trigger allergies and asthma. Grasses, trees and shrubs create more airborne pollen than large, colorful, or highly scented flowers.

Allergy Management

Air purification systems can ease suffering from indoor allergies because they trap the particulates that cause them. Purifiers that use ultraviolet (UV) lights also eliminate allergies caused by mold spores, as well mitigating the harmful side effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

UV rays alter the DNA of mold spores, viruses and bacteria, making it impossible for them to reproduce. The rays render VOCs less toxic, which eases respiratory distress.

Many air purification systems use filters that trap the most common allergy triggers. They can be part of your central HVAC system or smaller portable devices used to clean the air in one space only. A central air purifier improves air quality throughout your home and will relieve the symptoms by reducing the airborne particulate load indoors. A central air purifier often costs less to operate in terms of energy consumption and filter replacement than using several portable purifiers.

Learn more about Air Specialty’s indoor air quality solutions for those suffering from indoor allergies, or contact us today at (251) 415-4559 to discuss all your home comfort needs.

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