Minimize Allergy Season With Clean, Ventilated Indoor Air

What Can You Do to Improve Indoor Air

Air Specialty Air ConditioningAllergy season in Saraland brings discomfort to thousands of our friends, neighbors, and pets. Indoor ventilation and recirculated air are perfect breeding grounds for the most common allergy triggers. Luckily, there are steps you can take to minimize the presence of allergy sources within your home.

Common Indoor Allergy Triggers

Here are five indoor allergens that every southwest Alabama homeowner should be aware of and take steps to minimize:

  • Dust mites – Many people are allergic to dust mite droppings. Dust mites thrive in warm, moist environments, so our climate is perfect for them.
  • Pet dander – Pet dander is a protein in pet saliva that triggers allergic reactions in many people. It’s sticky and hangs around on pet hair, furniture and the clothing of people who come into contact with pets.
  • Pollen – We have something blooming almost every month of the year. Good ventilation keeps indoor air fresh, but it can also bring pollen into your home if outdoor air isn’t filtered as it comes inside.
  • Mold – Mold and mold spores can trigger allergic reactions and sometimes serious illnesses in sensitive people. Mold thrives in damp areas such as crawl spaces and bathrooms.
  • Cockroaches – A protein in cockroach droppings causes allergic reactions in many people. Everyone along the Gulf Coast knows how roaches love our warm, damp environment.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Here are a few tips for improving your home’s indoor air quality so your family can avoid many allergies:

  • Clean frequently. Vacuum carpets, upholstery and registers to remove dust and pet hair. Sweep and mop hard floors. Use mild bleach to remove mold in showers and tubs.
  • Get adequate ventilation. Open windows on mild days to enjoy fresh air. Change the air filter frequently. Ask your HVAC pro if HEPA filters will work in your HVAC system.
  • Consider a whole-house air purifier. A free-standing air purifier or equipment integrated with your HVAC system can remove many of the allergens from your indoor air.

Learn more about air purification and ventilation from the pros at Air Specialty or call us today at (251) 415-4559.


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