How Your HVAC System Can Help With Allergies


For the more than 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies, returning home at the end of a day can be a source of dread. Many homes trap and recirculate dust, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. But a properly equipped and maintained home HVAC system can help provide relief from symptoms and make a home into a refuge from sneezing and sniffling.

Purify the Air

A highly effective way to improve the air quality in a home is to add an air purifier. These connect to an existing HVAC system, and they most commonly remove particulates either through conventional filtration or by trapping particles with an electrostatic charge. When combined with a properly sealed duct system, an HVAC-attached air purifier can remove up to 98% of airborne particles.

Change Filters

A simple but widely neglected way to minimize allergens in a home is to change the HVAC system filters regularly. Experts suggest that air filters be changed every three months in a typical home with no pets. For homes with a dog or a cat, filters should be changed every one to two months. And importantly, in a home with multiple pets or occupants with allergies, filters should be changed every 20 to 45 days. Air filters are inexpensive and widely available, and changing them regularly can significantly improve home air quality.

Seal or Replace Ducts

Many homeowners don’t realize that they may have leaks in their ductwork that can release particulates into the home. Leaky ducts are very common, and they are usually the result of natural expansion and contraction of the ducts from heating and cooling. A heating and cooling professional can detect and seal leaks in ductwork, creating a vast improvement in both air quality and HVAC efficiency.

When properly used, a home’s HVAC system can be a strong line of defense for people with allergies. To learn more about home air quality, check out Air Specialty online or call them at 251-415-4559.

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