Stop Using the Wrong Air Filter

Wrong Air Filter

You may never think about it, but your air filter is the first line of defense against harmful organisms inside your home like viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, maintaining the filter and your health isn’t always as easy doing a simple replacement. Follow these tips to find the perfect fit for your air filter before you succumb to haphazard comfort and poor air quality in your Lucedale, Mississippi, home.

Avoiding an Improperly Sized Air Filter

An improperly sized air filter doesn’t do its job. When it’s too small, it lets dust, mold, and other contaminants into your air vents. These then spew into your air, providing air quality problems. Fortunately, the fix is cheap and easy.

Finding the Right Filter Size

If you just bought a home, you’re renting, or you’ve bought the same filter each time it needs replacing, there’s no guarantee that you have the right one. The best plan is to measure the area where the filter goes. This is pretty straightforward. Use a tape measure to get the length and width of your filter’s holding area. Remember that most filters are about a half-inch smaller than your measurements, so there’s no need to panic if it’s not exact. When in doubt, consult an HVAC service technician.

Picking the Right Mesh Level

Each air filter comes with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV, rating. This rating describes how fine the mesh of the filter is. In residential settings, this ranges from 4 to 12. However, a 12 rating doesn’t necessarily make it better. When the mesh is super fine, it doesn’t allow air flow that benefits your home. When in doubt, opt for a rating between 7 and 10.

While a clean air filter makes a world of difference for HVAC efficiency and air quality, it isn’t the be-all, end-all of home comfort. You still need the professionals at Air Specialty to keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape. Call us today at (251) 415-4559.

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